Tonto Dikeh To Represent Nigeria In Big Brother Africa

Nollywood Actress and singer Tonto Dikeh has been confirmed as the next person to represent Nigeria

Nollywood Actress and singer Tonto Dikeh has been confirmed as the next person to represent Nigeria

Nollywood Actress and singer Tonto Dikeh has been confirmed as the next person to represent Nigeria in the fourth coming season of Big Brother Africa StarGame.

Tonto Dikeh who has since been receiving congratulatory messages from her friends is one of the people to watch out for this new season.

The last year edition featured the late Nigeria’s Afro pop singer, Goldie Susan Harvey.

Relationships: Can A Guy And A Girl Ever Be “Best Friends”?

We all know that particular guy and girl who claimed they were “best friends” and ended up dating. Maybe we’ve even attempted such a “friendship” ourselves.

Is it possible for a warm blooded human male and a female of the same species to spend every waking moment together and not have any feelings whatsoever for each other? My answer is NO!!!

The fact is, even friendships are based on attraction and feelings and because you can truly be yourself with a friend, your bond is likely to run deeper than with a lover. This is why every successful relationship must begin with friendship.

This is not to say that men and women can’t have platonic relationships. Every one needs a friend of the opposite s*x. But “Best Friends”?

Most people start out on the journey to be “Best Friends” with good intentions. They genuinely believe they can achieve this goal. But somewhere along the line, things become confusing. Where do you draw the line between a female best friend and a girlfriend?

Can you really have a girl that you tell everything, even things your girlfriend doesn’t know? Is there a guy in your life you ask to come and stay with you when you’re having period pains while your boyfriend is running for his life?

My question is if you have such a person who will be there for you in the difficult times, why do you need anyone else? It would be very unfair to that girlfriend or boyfriend because all you’re giving them is the leftovers of your “best friend”

Experience has taught me that in most cases where a guy and a girl claim to be “best friends”, there are romantic feelings involved. They just don’t realize it in time. More often than not, one person is in love with the other but can’t say for fear of “losing the friendship”

In my opinion, such girl and guy friendships cause nothing but trouble, especially where other people are involved. The people who the “Best Friends” are dating most times become insecure and jealous and therefore hostile to the “Best Friend”. It almost never ends well.

However, like everything else in life, there can be no generalization in this matter. I’m sure there are guys and girls who have managed to remain best friends and nothing else.

The most important thing is to stay true to yourself. If you really just want to be that person’s friend, then make it clear and be sure you’re both on the same page. However, if u have feelings for your “best friend”, you better speak up or you’ll be stuck in the friend zone forever

We all know that particular guy and girl who claimed they were “best friends” and ended up dating

We all know that particular guy and girl who claimed they were “best friends” and ended up dating

15 Rules For Texting Your New Crush

Developing a crush on someone and realizing the feeling is mutual sends you over the Moon with joy

Developing a crush on someone and realizing the feeling is mutual sends you over the Moon with joy

Developing a crush on someone and realizing the feeling is mutual sends you over the Moon with joy. However, on the earlieast stages of your new relationship – especially during the wooing period – you are exposed to the risk of overreacting to everything. You definitely will be communicating via mobile phones A LOT, so here are some reminders of how to stay calm and be rational while texting.

1) Always remember that texting is not dating – it’s texting. This might be a hard pill to swallow, especially when you put off sleep or studying for a midterm to stay up into the wee hours of the morning texting or being all flirty-like. If the person is already your significant other, that’s one thing. But if your whole relationship is based on a screen, you’re not dating!

2) Which is why you should keep yourself occupied. She or he is totally hot and you can’t believe they are talking to you right now. But don’t make the rookie mistake we have all made of waiting by the phone for hours and hours yelling at your phone (WHY WONT S/HE TEXT ME BACK?! I AM HYPERVENTILATING!!!). Go do some stuff!

3) Don’t text them back right away either. Give it some time – within reason. Let them believe you have so many texts from other fabulous and super hot and A-list people that you just haven’t had the time to get back to their message yet. Again, within reason.

4) Texting is not a game of tag – don’t be afraid to text first even if you sent the last message. Now if you’ve sent the last twenty seven messages, you might want to seek psychological help.


6) Don’t text them all the time, 24 hours a day. Because then you won’t have much to talk about when you go on your next date.

7) But do keep the texts flowing. Don’t be one of those people who sends one word messages like “lol” or “hehe” when you know you don’t want to talk to this person. Texting isn’t a game of tag but it is exactly like a game of volleyball. In tag you are chasing somebody down trying to tackle them or tickle them or do other stuff to them against their will. Volleyball requires teamwork – everybody has to do their part to keep the ball in the air.

8) If you don’t hear from them for more than a week — just let it go. Don’t get mad, don’t feel sad, don’t send angry messages, don’t threaten their life. Besides, they allways come back.

9) Don’t be afraid to be the first person to text after the end of your first date. But wait a couple hours. It’s that whole “not-seeming-too-desperate” thing.

10) No novels, please. These are trying times the world is in right now, and you will feel the need to express your philosophical meanderings on failing economy or Wizkid Vs. Davido or what funny thing your friend said today, but don’t send multiple long messages.

11) Don’t break up, fight or argue via text messages.

12) cAn eVeRYbODy PLe@sE sToPP TeXtInG Like Thi$?

13) Text them funny pictures of stuff that makes you think of them.

14) If you both have a favorite TV show, talkabout that in your texts – even while the show is on. Don’t always make the texts about them. Talk about stuff that interests you both.

15) WARNING: Go easy on the sexting pictures. Especially if you’re not official and not in a relationship. Just know that you have no idea of where those things will end up, especially if your textationship goes down the hill

I Make Better Music Than Chris Brown – Drake Is This True????

Drake said, “Don’t ask me s**t about that man… (Brown). Leave that man alone

Drake said, “Don’t ask me s**t about that man… (Brown). Leave that man alone

Rapper Drake has taken his ongoing feud with rival Chris Brown up a notch by urging members of the media to stop asking him about the pair’s spat in a subtle radio interview dig.

The subject of his relationship with Brown came up during a radio interview with New York DJ Elliott Wilson, and the Take Care hitmaker even used the singer’s girlfriend Rihanna to bait his rival.

Drake said, “Don’t ask me s**t about that man… (Brown). Leave that man alone. Stop preying on his insecurities. His insecurities are the fact that I make better music than him, that I’m more popping than him.”

And in a statement that is sure to infuriate the quick-tempered Brown, he added, “At one point in life the woman that he loves (Rihanna) fell into my lap. I did what a real n**ga would do and treated her with respect.”

But he also told DJ Wilson that he hopes his feud with Brown will one day end, adding, “We have an issue and it’s either gonna drag out or maybe in 10 years we’ll laugh about it over drinks. Just let us solve that s**t… We’re just two young guys… You don’t wanna see two black men tear each other down… Just leave that s**t alone.”

Share your opinion…..Is drake truly better than brown ?

7 Signs That Your Girlfriend Is About to Break Up With You

Are you afraid that the special girl in your life is about to call it quits? Here are a few warning

Are you afraid that the special girl in your life is about to call it quits? Here are a few warning

Are you afraid that the special girl in your life is about to call it quits? Here are a few warning signs you should look out for.

1, She Doesn’t Make Future Plans

Planning ahead is a major factor that shows that a relationship is serious. Women in love usually can’t resist discussing the future. They want to talk about marriage and kids and everything connected to that. If your girl suddenly stops talking about a future with you, then it’s time to be worried.

2, She Avoids Your Family & Friends

A girlfriend that wants to be a permanent feature in your life will make an effort to get close to your family and your friends. If she starts avoiding your family and friends and dodging your family engagements then it’s very likely that she no longer wants to be a part of your life.

3, She Doesn’t Confide In You

If your girlfriend begins to tell everyone else but you her problems, then you have a serious problem of your own. A girlfriend who’s still interested in being with you will highlight your importance in her life by sharing her sorrows and her joys with you.

4, She Doesn’t Argue With You

It’s virtually impossible to find any human relationship with absolutely no conflict. If your girlfriend no longer argues with you, it simply means she has chosen not to bother herself with you anymore because she’s planning to leave you and she’s decided that you’re someone else’s problem, not hers.

5, She’s never Available

If your girl used to answer your calls before the first ring even finished and now you can barely ever reach her, that is a sign that she may want to break up.

If she also never wants to hang out with you anymore, it’s very likely that she’s planning to leave you.

6, She never calls you

If the girl who used to enjoy talking to you for hours on end suddenly stops calling, it’s a sure sign that the end has come.

7, She cries for no reason

If your girlfriend is always crying for no apparent reason, it may be a sign that she’s unhappy with you and she’s already planning to leave. Most girls break up with a man about 10 times in their minds before they eventually do it in the physical. Her tears might be her way of grieving over your already dead relationship

Pastor Atunde Has Been Molesting Me Since I Was 10 ––14yrs Old Orphan Girl

Innocent girls at the Light of Hope Orphanage has finally describe how the owner of the orphanage

Innocent girls at the Light of Hope Orphanage has finally describe how the owner of the orphanage

Innocent girls at the Light of Hope Orphanage has finally describe how the owner of the orphanage, Pastor Olatayo Atunde, defiled them repeatedly. From outside, the Light of Hope Orphanage in Akute looks like every other orphange. But the things that go on inside are gory:

“Daddy started sleeping with me when I was 10. I have two blood brothers at the orphanage who I reported to but they have not been able to do anything about it. On one occasion, when he was sleeping with me, I ran into another room but he chased me and warned me never to run away from him again.” ––said one of the girls he allegedly defiled.

According to Punch, the orphanage which was founded in 1996 by Pastor Atunde receives donations from multinational companies, non-governmental organisations, and other concerned members of the public who were deceived to believe that Pastor Atunde has genuine love for the vulnerable children.

However, recent s*xual allegations by some of the female inmates have shattered the positive image the orphanage once enjoyed. It all started when two young girls from the home told their secondary school teacher that they were defiled by Daddy (Pastor Atunde), who runs the facility.

One of the orphans 14-year-old Atinuke [not real name] confirmed that he slept with her and many other girls at the orphanage. Atinuke, who is now in custody of an NGO – Project Alert on Violence Against Women – said she lost her virginity to Pastor Atunde at the age of 10 and has lost count of the number of times he has had s*x with her.

She said, “I also reported the matter to the orphanage administrator, Aunty Hannah, and she said she would address the matter but daddy continued to r*pe me. Daddy usually defiled us around 2am in his room. His wife does not always sleep in his room. She sleeps at the crèche where the younger orphans are staying.”

Pastor Atunde was also alleged to have sacked one of the employees at the orphanage that dared to challenge him. Another orphan, Salewa [not real name], told Punch that she was barely 12 when he started having s*xual relations with her.

She said she had a sister at the orphanage who was in the university. Salewe disclosed that she had also caught Pastor Atunde having s*x with another orphan.

“Daddy has been having s*x with at least 10 of us. We are mostly between the ages of 8 and 14. I reported to Aunty Hannah and when she challenged daddy, he laid a curse on me,” she said. Pastor Atunde has been released by the police, they say they are investigating.

Buut a resident, who is an employee of the orphanage told Punch that, “After Atunde’s release, he hired some trucks to move the orphans to different locations so that if the state government shuts down the orphanage, he would still be able to operate directly or through a representative.

“Atunde receives donations from banks, multinationals, churches and other members of the public and the smartest thing for him to do right now, is to relocate the children and open another orphanage in a different name if possible. Most of the girls were relocated to another property within the area while others were taken to the Shangisha area of Lagos State. The police should not have granted him a bail.”

Relationships: Should You Go Through Your Partner’s Phone?

Checking through each other's phones and emails is a constant source of trouble for many couples

Checking through each other’s phones and emails is a constant source of trouble for many couples

Checking through each other’s phones and emails is a constant source of trouble for many couples. Is it ever justifiable to go through your partner’s private correspondence?

Many cheating partners have been caught through a perusal of their phone conversations, texts and chats.

This might lead to the notion that it is acceptable to check through your partner’s phone. If only to make sure that they’re being faithful. Girls especially are guilty of this and if the guy dares lock his phone, they take it as a foregone conclusion that it is because he has something to hide.

But is checking your partner’s correspondence a healthy behavior within a relationship?

Going through your partner’s private correspondence shows jealousy, insecurity and a lack of trust, all of which are potentially damaging to a relationship. This is coupled with the fact that most times, it doesn’t change anything. Texts and emails might hint at indiscretion but most times offer nothing concrete. So it’s enough to make you miserable but not enough to break up or cause trouble for both parties. Also, a person who is bent on proving that their partner is being unfaithful will read meaning into the most innocent of situations.

The best way to go is to respect your partner’s privacy for the good of your relationship and for the sake of peace. If you have any legitimate concerns, talk to them about it and sort it out in a mature way.

So what do you think? Is it ever right to look through your partner’s phone?

About Jay Z

Shawn Corey Carter (born December 4, 1969),[2] better known by his stage name Jay-Z

Shawn Corey Carter (born December 4, 1969),[2] better known by his stage name Jay-Z

Shawn Corey Carter (born December 4, 1969 [2] better known by his stage name Jay-Z(sometimes stylized JAY Z),[3] is an American rapper, record producer, entrepreneur, and occasional actor. He is one of the most financially successful hip hop artists and entrepreneurs in America. In 2012, Forbes estimated Carter’s net worth at nearly $500 million.[4][5] He has sold approximately 50 million albums worldwide, while receiving seventeen Grammy Awards for his musical work, and numerous additional nominations.[6][7][8] Consistently ranked as one of the greatest rappers of all-time, he was ranked #1 by MTV in their list of The Greatest MCs of All-Time in 2006.[9] Two of his albums, Reasonable Doubt (1996) and The Blueprint(2001), are considered landmarks in the genre with both of them being ranked in Rolling Stone magazine’s list of the 500 greatest albums of all time.[10][11]

Jay-Z co-owns the 40/40 Club, is part-owner of the NBA’s Brooklyn Nets and is also co-creator of the line Rocawear.[12] He is the former CEO of Def Jam Recordings, co-founder of Roc-A-Fella Records, and the founder of Roc Nation. As an artist, he holds the record for most number one albums by a solo artist on the Billboard 200 with twelve.[13][14] Jay-Z also has had four number ones on the Billboard Hot 100, one as lead artist. On December 11, 2009, Jay-Z was ranked as the 10th-most successful artist of the 2000s by Billboard and ranking as the 5th top solo male artist and as the 4th top rapper behind Eminem, Nelly, and 50 Cent.[15] He was also ranked the 88th-greatest artist of all time by Rolling Stone.[16] He married American R&B singer Beyoncé Knowles in 2008.[17] They have one daughter named Blue Ivy Carter, born in January 2012.

VIBE Names R.Kelly The Greatest Musical Genius Since 1993

In their '20 Greatest Musical Geniuses Since 1993′ list which was released this week

In their ’20 Greatest Musical Geniuses Since 1993′ list which was released this week

In their ’20 Greatest Musical Geniuses Since 1993′ list which was released this week

Vibe Magazine gave R.Kelly the number spot. See the top 10 below and tell us if you agree…

10. Missy Elliot

9. RZA

8. Thom Yorke

7. Timbaland

6. Jay Z

5. Notorious B.I.G

4. Diddy

3. Dr Dre

2. Kanye West

1. R. Kelly

Wizkid’s Girlfriend Steps Up Her Game

In a relationship with hip-hop crooner, Ayo Balogun a.k.a Wizkid, she has earned a spot on the social scene ever since they made their first public appearance together last February.

Last weekend, they walked in hand-in-hand into the venue of Omawumi’s concert and not a few people stretched their necks in her direction just to catch a glimpse of her.